Naturalization Act of 1779

          In 1779, Thomas Jefferson wrote a bill to determine who should be allowed to be a citizen of the "commonwealth."  Within the bill, Jefferson also asserted the natural right of expatriation and the mode of exercising that right.  The bill was passed on to George Mason to present to Congress on the fist of June, 1779, and was passed by both Houses on the 26th of that same month.  Unfortunately, debts owed to British merchants came into question at the end of the war and a compromise was needed before allowing citizenship or expatriation.  In 1783, a resolution was adopted which repealed the Act of 1779, and prohibited the migration of certain persons.

The full Act can be read about here: History: 1779

Open Office Template: RIGHT click and select download then save file 01 – Deed of Naturalization .ott

MS® Office Template: RIGHT click and select download then save file 01 – Deed of Naturalization .doc

Instructions: Font – Times New Roman or similar / 10 or 12 point.  You can set the Title at 14 point and bold

Deed of Naturalization

I, First–Middle: Last; (nee Maiden), declare that I am the owner and operator of my vessels on Earth
⇒ Change the First and Middle to your birth name.  Change the Last to your current family name.  If the family name is different from your birth family, then put the family name you were born under after "nee".  Your name should be purple ink. This states that you are in charge of your STRAWMAN and your living, breating, body.  Your "VESSEL" refers to the "BOAT" your soul, spirit, or consciousness entered into – your body.

from the moment my zygote first formed, together with all DNA and all substance matter in any way associated with me and my incarnation,
⇒ This statement defines your existence as starting the moment your cells began dividing inside the womb.  The statement also declares all matter that may have exited the womb as a result of your birth – BERTH refers to YOUR place on a BOAT, where your BOAT docks, and / or the space around your BOAT like your personal bubble.

and I further declare that I accept my divine origin and all honor, right, title, and material interests I am owed;
⇒ This statement acknowledges a higher power such as God or YHVH or the Creator or the Source of all Life who has given us Natural Rights that can never be taken from us.  These rights are considered devinely given such as Common Law and represent the AIR in Admiralty or Maritime Law.

I declare my political status as an American State National born within the physical borders of State;
⇒ This states your status as a State National from the original land and soil of the united States of America without the Corporate UNITED STATES.  Change the final "State" to the name of the state you plan to domicile in.  Domicile means where you physically live the majority of the time. – Reside makes you a Resident of the Corporate UNITED STATES which is located in the District of Columbia.  D.C. is NOT a state.  This is where they keep all the empty VESSELS or Residents of the corporate UNITED STATES.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America
⇒ Perjury is knowingly making a false statement in a court of law.  The United States of America represents America as of the creation of the first Constitution in 1787.

and from without the United States and without the United States of America Territories,
⇒ This refers to the Corporate UNITED STATES which includes the minor outlying territories such as Puerto Rico or the American Samoa.  These territories belong to the Corporate UNITED STATES but exist as unincorporated entitys.

that I reject, renounce, and remove all Powers of Attorney granted by me or issued under my name prior to this day
⇒ This statement ensures there are no entities that hold the Power of Attorney over you or your name.  While you may not have any Durable Power of Attorney, applying for a mortgage or checking a box on an application may give away some of your rights.

with the exception of that granted and issued by me to :First–Middle: Last;
⇒ If there is anyone that you have already named as a Durable Power of Attorney, such as your spouse, you may want to include this line with thier First and Middle names and their current family name.  His or her name should be in purple ink.  This saves you from having to re–record the Power of Attorney paperwork.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America and from without the United States and without the United States of America Territories,
⇒ See above

that I reject, renounce, and remove all and any allegiance to any king or queen, prince or princess, any foreign state, foreign government, foreign flag, or thing;
⇒ This removes any and all other countries from having any jurisdiction over your VESSEL – STRAWMAN or living, breathing body.  As a citizen of the UNITED STATES INC., there are three entities that have a piece of your VESSEL – Washington in the District of Columbia, London in England,, and the Vatican in Rome.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America and from without the United States and without the United States of America Territories,
⇒ See above

that I have never knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily pledged myself to any incorporated entity at all,
⇒ This statement means you did not knowingly give, sell, or convey in any way, your STRAWMAN or your body to any Corporation – you did not knowingly give your VESSEL to Washington, D.C.

including but not limited to any incorporated church, synagogue, mosque, or temple;
No one but you should have any rights to your VESSEL or body other than YOU.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America and from without the United States and without the United States of America Territories,
⇒ See above

that I have never knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily pledged myself to any foreign sovereign
⇒ No other country has any rights to your VESSEL or body other than YOU.

or separated myself from my birthright political status;
⇒ You were not tricked, coerced, or forced to change your citizenship to any other country.

I declare, publish, and affirm by this deed, under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America and from without the United States and without the United States of America Territories,
⇒ See above

that my house is established within County County and my home is established within State
⇒ Change the first "County" to the name of the county you live in and change the final "State" to the state name where you live. The Recorder may require that a "legal description" of the property should be included.  Because we do not Reside in the Corporate UNITED STATES, there is no "legal description".  Explain that there is no description because you only domicile in your State and do not have a "Legal" address.  You only use the "In care of" address as stated on the Cover Sheet.

and no other presumption or impersonation is allowed;
⇒ This statement protects your STRAWMAN from being used by anyone including the government.

I declare under the aforementioned penalties that I am a Lawful Inheritor, Landlord, Keeper, and Guardian of the Rightful and Lawful Government of this country,
⇒ "We the People" are the rightful owners of these united States of America.  We placed the government in power in 1776 and confirmed that power by our Constitution of the united States of America in 1787.  We do not recognize the Corporate UNITED STATES as having any power over us.

acting with Full Right, Authority, Responsibility, and Honor, now and always while my tenure on Earth shall last,
⇒ You promise to stay within your rights and authority given by the Constitution of 1787.  You also promise to be responsible and honorable in all your actions until your death.  In other words, you are only restating your God given rights and will respect and honor the Constitution.  You have no intentions of committing any hostile acts, you will not aid any enemies of America, and your will not overthrow our government or commit any acts of treason as defined in the Constitution of 1787.

and I present this Deed of Naturalization Act of 1779 and place it upon the Public Record of State.
⇒ Change the word "State" to your State of domicile as above.  Recording this document with your packet at the County Recorder's office is how you will place the document on the Public Record.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
⇒ This statement will be on almost everything you use.  This means that anyone who sees the document is the same as showing the document to the proper person in the corporation and vice versa.  Telling one person means telling them all.  Make sure you keep this line in bold.

This Declaration is valid, true, correct, and complete in all jurisdictions of law: land, air, and water.

⇒ By this statement, your document will be valid in any court of law – including Admiralty law used in the state court systems today.


⇒ Do not date or sign your document until you are standing in front of a Notary Public or anyone legally allowed to witness your signature and seal.

So signed and sealed this ____ day of ______________, 20____.
⇒ Handwrite the day as "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", etc.  Spell out the full name of the month and add the end of the year while you are in front of the Notary.

By: ________________________________
⇒ Include your full name with the punctuation as shown – First dash Middle colon Family Name semi–colon.  Again, make sure you sign in front of the Notary.

:First-Middle: Last; Living Soul

⇒ This is typed under the signature line.  Make sure you include the proper punctuation as shown – First dash Middle colon Family Name semi–colon.

⇒ [Footer]
⇒ Replace the page numbers with the "Field" selection for "page number" and for "total pages".  The middle of the footer is the document name.  The right side of the footer is the initials of the document name, the eight digits of your birthdate, and the last four digits of your SSN.  Later, you will use this page numbering format on forms where you might want to include –01, –02, etc, at the end to keep track of how many forms you send out.  This just makes the document look and feel more professional.  The receiver needs to know that we are not joking around and are serious about every document or form we create and use.

⇒ Final note: ⇒ Any time you type your living name in a document, you will type in purple ink.  This shows the devine nature of our consciousness.  When you sign your name,, you can use purple ink on your Declarations, Deeds, Notices, and Affidavits; but, you will sign all Contracts in blue ink.  Red is for the water.  The seal will always be in red ink.  You can either use a red thumbprint that touches the signature line, create a stamper with red ink to use as a seal, or get official and use red waxblack ink – black is for the dead.