Community Forums

Tap into a wealth of knowledge by addressing the community directly.  Please read all Forum rules and abide by those rules.

  • We the People believe in the Divine Law as established by the Source (God – YHVH)
  • We the People believe in the Common Law as established by the founding system of our Constitutional Republic and the subsequent Common Law maxims as established by the Supreme Court of the Land.
  • You do not need to believe in a higher power or a supreme being to believe in Common Law.
  • You have the right to your opinion based on the facts as you perceive them.
  • He or She also has the right to express a different opinion based on the facts as he or she perceives them.
  • Facts may vary according to your perspective or standing.
  • Truth is based on the facts at hand.
  • No man or woman is to be condemned before being heard [ie. Heresay MUST be labeled as such]
  • Everyone must be addressed with respect [ie. No name calling or hateful comments]
  • While Free Speech is Mandatory in accordance with the Constitutional Amendment, you still cannot yell "FIRE" in a crowded theatre or incite a riot.
  • Caveat Actor, Emptor, Venditor – Doer beware, Buyer beware, Seller beware.
  • This Site represents a Private Membership Association.
    You must be a Member to participate and / or contract privately with other Members.
  • The owner(s) of this Site are not responsible for any actions taken by any Members in the private or public.
  • By continuing to use this Site and / or become a Member of this Site, you are agreeing to these rules as hereby stated, as well as the general TERMS AND CONDITIONS applicable in the Missouri Republic and / the state(s) you presently domicile in.